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puqutil - Output Functions for PUQ

Output Format

The purpose of these functions is to provide a simple way to output in the format PUQ expects.

PUQ expects to see output values written to standard output. It captures all standard output, and scans it looking for a pattern at the beginning of every line. Lines which don’t match this pattern are ignored.

HDF5:{‘name’: n, ‘desc’: d, ‘value’:v}:5FDH


n:Name of the variable
d:Description of the variable
v:Value of the variable

Python Functions

from puqutil import dump_hdf5

dump_hdf5('v', v, 'velocity of the swallow')
puqutil.dump_hdf5(name, val[, desc=''])[source]

Writes data to stdout with formatting so PUQ can automatically recognize it and save it.

  • name – Name of the variable
  • val (integer, float, or array) – Value of the variable
  • desc – A description of the variable. Saved as an attribute for the variable in the HDF file. Used as labels in plots. Default is an empty string.

Functions for C/C++

These are included in “dump_hdf5.h”

void dump_hdf5_d(char * name, double val, char *desc)

Writes data to stdout with formatting so PUQ can automatically recognize it and save it.

  • name (C string) – Name of the variable
  • val (double) – The value of the variable
  • desc (C string) – A description of the variable. Saved as an attribute for the variable in the HDF file. Used as labels in plots. Default is an empty string.
void dump_hdf5_l(char * name, long val, char *desc)

Writes data to stdout with formatting so PUQ can automatically recognize it and save it.

  • name (C string) – Name of the variable
  • val (long integer) – The value of the variable
  • desc (C string) – A description of the variable. Saved as an attribute for the variable in the HDF file. Used as labels in plots. Default is an empty string.