Each UQ method can call a function after a sweep. This callback function returns a boolean. If it returns True, the sweep is over. Otherwise, sweep parameters can be changed and the sweep continued. The same thing could be done with a script, but the callback function makes it more convenient.
A good example of this is examples/iter/rosen_sm.py
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | from puq import *
# Example callback that causes the sweep
# to repeat until a specific condition is met.
def callback(sw, hf):
rmsep = hdf.get_response(hf,'z').rmse()[1]
print 'callback: rmse=%s%%' % rmsep
# iterate until error < 1%
if rmsep > 1:
return False
return True
def run():
# Declare our parameters here. Both are uniform on [-2, 2]
x = UniformParameter('x', 'x', min=-2, max=2)
y = UniformParameter('y', 'y', min=-2, max=2)
# Create a host
host = InteractiveHost()
# Declare a UQ method.
uq = Smolyak([x,y], level=1, iteration_cb=callback)
# Our test program
prog = TestProgram('./rosen_prog.py', desc='Rosenbrock Function')
return Sweep(uq, host, prog)
~/puq/examples/iter> puq start rosen_sm
Saving run to sweep_46691621.hdf5
Processing <HDF5 dataset "z": shape (5,), type "<f8">
Surface = -1.99999999999997*x + 669.0
RMSE = 6.84e+02 (4.26e+01 %)
Var u* dev
x 3.2080e+03 3.2080e+03
y 8.0000e+02 8.0000e+02
callback: rmse=42.5626179426%
Extending Smolyak to level 2
Processing <HDF5 dataset "z": shape (13,), type "<f8">
Surface = 300.99999999956*x**2 - 1.59872115546023e-14*x*y ...
RMSE = 7.40e+02 (2.05e+01 %)
Var u* dev
x 3.9402e+03 5.2374e+03
y 2.0828e+03 1.8510e+03
callback: rmse=20.4983861252%
Extending Smolyak to level 3
Processing <HDF5 dataset "z": shape (29,), type "<f8">
Surface = 3.10862446895043e-13*x**3 - 199.999999998686*x**2*y ...
RMSE = 2.40e+02 (6.66e+00 %)
Var u* dev
x 4.8307e+03 6.5106e+03
y 2.0022e+03 1.7623e+03
callback: rmse=6.66126889943%
Extending Smolyak to level 4
Processing <HDF5 dataset "z": shape (65,), type "<f8">
Surface = 100.000000001004*x**4 - 8.16013923099492e-14*x**3*y ...
RMSE = 9.29e-09 (2.57e-10 %)
Var u* dev
x 5.0835e+03 6.9637e+03
y 1.9661e+03 1.7441e+03
callback: rmse=2.57395820254e-10%